Body Procedures
in Katy & Houston, TX
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- Dr. Gallas is a Leader in Body Contouring
- Mommy Makeovers, Tummy Tucks and Liposuction are Among the MostPopular Cosmetic Procedures Performed
Become reacquainted with your ideal appearance.
Gallas Plastic Surgery & Vein Center excels in helping you achieve your idea of beauty, balance, symmetry and self-fulfillment. Your ideal appearance may be a softening of how you appear now, or it may involve a more in-depth solution to rejuvenate your face, skin and body. Dr. Mennen T. Gallas, a double-board-certified plastic and general surgeon, can help reacquaint you with your ideals using the most advanced surgical and nonsurgical techniques.
The links below will give more information on the various procedures designed to transform the body and its shape into a more attractive figure. Dr. Gallas’ ability to achieve a realistic, beautiful result plays an important role in deciding which procedure is right for you.
- Body Contouring
- Liposuction
- Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck
- Mommy Make-Over
- Upper & Lower Body Lifts
- Labiaplasty
We encourage, honor and welcome your referrals. For more information about plastic surgery services for your body in Katy and West Houston, Texas, call Gallas Plastic Surgery & Vein Center at (281) 646-1114 today or use our online Request an Appointment form.
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